Sender / Get by ID

Get sender data by id

Request Header Authorization
Authentication Yes

API Endpoint


API Parameters

Request Parameter

Field DataType Required Description
id integer Yes sender id

Response Parameter

Field DataType Description
status string response status
message string response message
id integer sender id
senderName string sender name
affiliateSenderId integer affiliate sender id
partnerId integer partner id
partnerName string partner name
titleId integer title id
titleName string title name
firstName string first name
lastName string last name
address string address
suburb string suburb
state string state
postcode string postcode
countryId integer country id
countryName string country name
countryCode string country code
phoneCountryId integer phone country id
phoneCountryCode string phone country code
phoneNo string phone no
dateOfBirth date date of birth
email string email
occupation string occupation
placeOfBirthCountryId integer place of birth country id
placeOfBirthCountryName string place of birth country name
placeOfBirthCountryCode string place of birth country code
nationalityId integer nationality id
nationalityName string nationality name
nationalityCode string nationality code
senderTypeId integer sender type id
senderTypeName string sender type name
senderTypeCode string sender type code
primaryDocumentId integer primary document id
primaryDocumentTypeId integer primary document type id
primaryDocumentTypeName string primary document type name
primaryDocumentNo string primary document no
primaryDocumentExpiryDate Date primary document expiry date
primaryDocumentName string primary document name
createdOn datetime created on
createdByName string created by name
modifiedOn datetime modified on
modifiedByName string modified by name

Sample JSON Request:


Response Codes and Statuses

Status Code Error Description
000 Success

Error Codes

Status Code Error Description
101 General/Process error (see message)
301 Permission denined
401 Unauthorized
500 Internal server error (see message)

Sample JSON Responses: Success

    "status": "000",
    "message": "Success",
    "payload": {
        "id": 11,
        "senderName": "Prasit1_00011 Sriket",
        "affiliateSenderId": "PRASIT.SRIKET.1.00011",
        "partnerId": 1,
        "partnerName": "Partner 001",
        "titleId": 1,
        "titleName": "Mr.",
        "firstName": "Prasit1_00011",
        "firstNameHash": null,
        "lastName": "Sriket",
        "address": "17/20",
        "suburb": "Aus",
        "state": "Aus",
        "postcode": "10240",
        "countryId": 1,
        "countryName": "ANDORRA",
        "countryCode": "AND",
        "phoneCountryId": 1,
        "phoneCountryCode": "376",
        "phoneNo": "815981742",
        "dateOfBirth": "1978-12-24T17:00:00Z",
        "email": "",
        "occupation": null,
        "placeOfBirthCountryId": 1,
        "placeOfBirthCountryName": "ANDORRA",
        "placeOfBirthCountryCode": "AND",
        "nationalityId": 1,
        "nationalityName": "Afghanistan",
        "nationalityCode": "AFG",
        "senderTypeId": 1,
        "senderTypeName": "Individual",
        "senderTypeCode": "I",
        "primaryDocumentId": 11,
        "primaryDocumentTypeId": 1,
        "primaryDocumentTypeName": "Passport",
        "primaryDocumentNo": "P00000011",
        "primaryDocumentExpiryDate": "2013-12-26T00:00:00",
        "primaryDocumentName": "test.png",
        "createdOn": "2023-12-25T17:52:24.15012Z",
        "createdBy": 1,
        "createdByName": "SystemAdmin",
        "modifiedOn": "2023-12-25T17:52:25.573653Z",
        "modifiedBy": 1,
        "modifiedByName": "System Admin"

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