Transactions / Get by Affiliate ID

Get transaction by id

Request Header Authorization
Authentication Yes

API Endpoint


API Parameters

Request Parameter

Field DataType Required Description
id string Yes affiliate Receiver Id

Response Parameter

Field DataType Description
status string response status
message string response message
id bigint transnaction id
refNo string transnaction reference
affiliateRefId bigint affiliate ref id
senderId bigint sender id
receiverId bigint receiver id
receiverAccountId bigint receiver account id
bankCode string bank code
sendingCurrencyCode string sending currency code
receivingCurrencyCode string receiving currency code
sendingAmount decimal sending amount
exchangeRate decimal exchange rate
serviceCharges decimal service charges
receivingAmount decimal receiving amount
transferPurposeId integer transfer purpose id
sourceOfFunds string source of funds
transactionDate datetime transaction date

Sample JSON Request:


Response Codes and Statuses

Status Code Error Description
000 Success

Error Codes

Status Code Error Description
101 General/Process error (see message)
301 Permission denined
401 Unauthorized
500 Internal server error (see message)

Sample JSON Responses: Success

    "status": "000",
    "message": "Success",
    "payload": {
        "id": 1,
        "transferMoneyName": "INT000001",
        "transactionStatusId": 1,
        "transactionStatusName": "Initiated",
        "reviewStatusId": null,
        "reviewStatusName": null,
        "refNo": "INT000001",
        "affiliateRefId": "AFFREFID000001",
        "partnerId": 1,
        "partnerName": "Partner 001",
        "senderId": 1,
        "senderName": "Prasit1_00001 Sriket",
        "receiverId": 1,
        "receiverName": "Prasit1_00001 Sriket",
        "receiverAccountId": 1,
        "receiverAccountName": "Prasit1 Sriket",
        "receiverAccountNumber": "1234567890001",
        "receiverCountryName": "ANDORRA",
        "bankId": 2,
        "bankCode": "002",
        "bankAbbr": "BBL",
        "exchangeRate": 25.0000,
        "sendingCurrencyId": 2,
        "sendingCurrencyName": "AusDolla",
        "sendingCurrencyCode": "AUD",
        "sendingAmount": 10.0000,
        "serviceCharges": 0.0000,
        "receivingAmount": 250.0000,
        "receivingCurrencyId": 1,
        "receivingCurrencyName": "Baht",
        "receivingCurrencyCode": "THB",
        "transferPurposeId": 1,
        "transferPurposeName": "Product insurance premium/fees",
        "sourceOfFunds": "Salary",
        "transactionDate": "2023-12-25T17:52:51.065996Z",
        "reviewDate": null,
        "rejectDate": null,
        "canceledDate": null,
        "completedDate": null,
        "exceedLimitPurpose": null,
        "exceedLimitPurposeRemark": null,
        "sanctionStatusId": null,
        "sanctionResultId": null,
        "watchListStatusId": null,
        "apsStatusId": null,
        "prefundChkResultStatusId": null,
        "prefundChkResultId": null,
        "bankProcessStatusId": null,
        "bankProcessResultId": null,
        "errorRemark": null,
        "createdOn": "2023-12-25T17:52:51.065996Z",
        "createdBy": 1,
        "createdByName": "SystemAdmin",
        "modifiedOn": null,
        "modifiedBy": null,
        "modifiedByName": null,
        "fromMenu": null,
        "systemCode": null,
        "saveAction": null,
        "sender": null,
        "receiver": null,
        "receiverAccount": null

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